Frederick “Hollywood” Delahoussaye
Educator, entertainer, emcee, and New Orleans native Frederick “Hollywood” Delahoussaye has propelled through the elements of artistry and entertainment for over a decade. The Co-Coordinator of the Kuumba Institute, Ashe Cultural Arts Center’s Youth Initiative, is a published author and poet, has been a featured writer for several publications including Survival Digest Monthly, Offline Magazine, and the Southern Cypher Artists Cooperative Anthology, of which he became the Executive Director. He was associate producer and writer for Cox Television Productions show Spoken, and director of ACT I Black Theater Festival productions' The Color of Self and Change Gon’ Come and Poetic Panther Productions' The Motherland Before They Came. He has served as Director of Operations for Project Future for the Youth, Inc., Musical Director for Ebony Square Cultural Center, and is the Founder of Lifeline Entertainment Group, LLC. He is a featured performer in KM Dance Project’s Distorted Images and Taken, and the Ashe Cultural Arts Center’s Big-Easy award-winning The Origin of Life on Earth. He is a member of the NOYOM executive committee (New Orleans Youth Open Mic) and coach of NOYS (New Orleans Youth Slam team). He is a recipient of the Asante Cultural Ambassador award for performance art and has made cultural and arts education a foundation of his work as an artist. He has worked collaboratively and individually on a variety of socially engaged interdisciplinary projects, producing and performing internationally, and capturing audiences with his infectious charisma for any and every occasion from concerts and poetry readings to fashion shows and festivals.